
Am I a 'Matchbook Girl' ?

The latest issue of Matchbook Magazine is out and as usual, it is wonderful. It will probably take me the better part of the month just to go through it all. As you can see, Rachel Antonoff is on the cover and the accompanying story about this fashion design darling is one of the highlights of the mag. That said, this publication does have a feature each month that has me asking myself this question, 'Am I truly a 'Matchbook girl'? No seriously...I'm starting to wonder because each month, near the very beginning of the issue, they have this ever-so entertaining list of 'criteria' that make a so-called 'Matchbook girl' ... and every month I look at the list, scratch my head and think,'Wow, I guess I'm not'. It's going to come as no surprise then when I say, I am not a fan of this feature (since I love the pub. so so much). And I think I've figured out why. Geez, according to these lists, a 'Matchbook girl' is really, well for lack of a better way of putting it...kind of prissy...and fussy...you know, someone who would rather stay home and read about heroines than go out and try to be one in her own way. Every month there is some reference to  Jane Austen (admittedly, I am not a fan...I much prefer Edith Wharton and Henry James) and drinking tea, or skipping through a field of daisies...and all I'm saying is why can't a 'Matchbook girl' like a good football game or a great spinning class, as much as trip to a museum. Well, anyway, let the debate ensue. I still love this mag. as much any I receive each month...maybe I'll just have to aspire to being a 'Matchbook girl' :)
Loving this gorgeous brooch, which was featured in the mag. from the Met Store.

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