
What's your style? Isaac can help!

Books about style...hmmm...for some reason I've never found a great one. Maybe it's because writing about style is a little like writing about the air...you know its there...its just so hard to describe. Recently though, I was at my local public library when I came across Isaac Mizrahi's (yet another fashion crush) '08 book How to Have Style. I have to say, I love this book. Part of it is that I hear him speaking as I read it, but the other part is that he makes so much sense. The book begins by asking the reader to answer a whole series of questions. Normally I would laugh at this...but his questions really get to the heart of who you are and want, style-wise. Some examples...what colors do you wear most frequently...what do you splurge on...what are 5 clothing/fashion items you can't live without? The other idea of his that I love, is having an 'inspiration board'. Get yourself a bulletin board and any time you see an image or just anything that inspires you, tack it up. Isaac's board is pictured above. Not only is it a great way to keep a running record of yourself and what you love, it's almost like a piece of art...so gorgeous to look at.

1 comment:

  1. i'd seen that he wrote this book but just didn't bother w/ it earlier...BUT now i have to get this from my library!!! and the inspiration board!! i was going to do a post on that!!! very cool post. thanks!
