I've always wanted to buy a cape..but have been too chicken to do so. Will it look like a tent? Will I be laughed at? ...These are just some of the questions that keep me from making the leap. Of course I don't want to look like I'm wearing a bed sheet so the cut of the cape would be most important. I've noticed the trend this fall and I keep wondering when I'll finally have the nerve to actually wear one.
{Photo from the streets of Milan}
Oh capes...I have to admit, while I do think they are super stylin, I probably won't take the plunge anytime soon. Mostly because...well, have you ever tried one on? I felt like I was wearing a blanket yet I was not warm at all. I am erring on the side of practicality on this one...though I have to say, this pic you chose to represent capes has me rethinking the whole thing. God, this outfit is simply stunning!