A view...
I adore E.M. Forster's A Room with a View on many levels. This novel started my love affair with English literature. As a middle schooler, I fell in love with Florence, all things England, and the movies. I remember going into a bookstore and finding a copy of this novel with this particular book jacket. I was in love. I read the novel in a matter of days and I eagerly awaited the film. The Merchant Ivory production of A Room with a View is one of the best film adaptations I've ever seen. Everything I had visualized while reading the novel was brought to life on the screen and I was amazed by the beauty of Italy. If you haven't had a chance to read the book yet, make it a double feature: read the book then go see the movie. I promise it won't disappoint.
Ms. Macaron and I had very different focuses in grad. school. But this is one book we completely agree on. I read this book for the first time in college in a course focusing on DH Lawrence and EM Forster. This book never left me and I am convinced is part of the reason I ended up in and English Masters program. The film is perfectly cast, has incredible locations and costuming and is the most true to a book adaptation I have EVER seen. Great post! Really takes me back to my intense love of literature