my dying wish...
I think Katiep's last post was fantastic. I have a thing with lipstick. In my twenties, I used to totally go all out and have a routine on how to put on lipstick: lip liner, lipstick, blot, and maybe one more coat of lipstick. I always figured if you have nice lips, you don't really need much else. I've retired my lip liner simply because I'm too lazy for it now, but I still blot like crazy. A friend use to kid me about my lipstick blotters. I'd leave a trail of lipstick blots all over my apartment, car, and purse. When I die, I think my blots will survive me. I tell my husband that on my death bed, I must have my lipstick on at all times. This makes me feel put together. I don't need much else. I use a tinted moisturizer, lipstick, and brow pencil. That's it. This is my attempt at some sort of makeup perfection and I have a lot of fun doing it! In case you care to know which brand of lipstick is heaven to me: Nars lipstick in Afghan Red (no other red does justice for me).
Let me just point out that you are brilliant when it come to makeup...particularly lipstick. An old friend (John Pullos..remember him Ms. M?) and I always used to marvel and how beautiful her lipstick (shade & application) always was. And even with my admittedly poor ability to apply lipstick, I own a tube of Nars (I can't recall the exact name of the shade at the moment..but I bought just hoping it would look as good on me as it does on you) and it is fabulous!