
Have a lovely (Oscar) weekend!

Here's hoping everyone has a shiny and star-filled Oscar weekend! Do you have any special plans? The weather is supposed to be quite nice in upstate (after the 20 inches of snow last weekend, it will be a really welcome change). On Sunday, CN and I will head down the street to the neighbors to catch the Oscars with some movie-buff friends. I can hardly wait, even though I've been so delinquent in my film going these days. It hardly matters...even if you haven't seen the films, the spectacle is usually enough to entertain and then of course, there are always those clothes :)

Have a great one guys!


  1. you know, i don't even know all the best film nominations..that's how informed i am this year! but i'm sure i'll be watching... can't wait! hope you have a lovely weekend, kp...say hello to CN for me too!

  2. I have seen absolutely, positively nothing. The only thing I do know is that there are 10 noms for best picture this year. For some reason they changed that. The host look like duds (Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin) ... but you know, its a 'can't miss' show :)

  3. well, the whole show is really a crock...esp if a movie like avatar can be nominated as best picture (which i saw btw.... and didn't like too much (big surprise there)... i wasn't that impressed.
